Impact studies on vegetation

The assessing of the effects on vegetation, derived from construction site activities, is an important aspect in the field of studies concerning the assessing of the impact of works in areas with woods.

Following the assessing of the consistency and importance of the typologies of woods in the area, impact categories on woods are underlined, with reference to the characteristics of the project. According to the kind of alterations and the woods involved in the construction phase and/or practise of the works in project, measures of environmental limitation and/or compensation are established, with respect to the existing forester law.

Graia srl is Life Natura partner logo-menu-5Life Natura
G.R.A.I.A. srl - Gestione e Ricerca Ambientale Ittica Acque
Via Repubblica, 1 - 21020 Varano Borghi (VA)
tel. +39.0332.961.097 | fax +39.0332.961.162 | PI: 10454870154

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