Management of sport fishing or professional fishing

From the point of view of a sustainable use of natural resources, the management of fishing activities, both recreational and professional, must be regulated and controlled on strict scientific and technical basis. All the implied aspects – ecological, wildlife, naturalistic and also economical, cultural, social – and the potential consequences on natural ecosystems, the environment and society, must be taken into consideration, in order to support human activities in full compliance with the importance of biodiversity.

Graia srl is Life Natura partner logo-menu-5Life Natura
G.R.A.I.A. srl - Gestione e Ricerca Ambientale Ittica Acque
Via Repubblica, 1 - 21020 Varano Borghi (VA)
tel. +39.0332.961.097 | fax +39.0332.961.162 | PI: 10454870154

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